FHX Safe-Units enable us to release distress, learn how to call for help or confront our inability to shout. Safe-Units are facilities in which visitors can learn through sound instructions how to produce a Self-Contained Shout. This shout works with the body and not against it. Learning from the principles of Estill Voice Training, which promote the notion that vocal knowledge is vocal power, FHX’s Safe-Units give the visitors the confidence that they will be able to shout in time of need. Safe-Units were inspired by the architecture of small, private bunkers, and by “safe rooms” in mental hospitals, designated to protect patients from causing harm to themselves and to others. They are lined with soft mattresses and provide every visitor with privacy, a safe place where no one watches or listens to them.

Care-Chairs are special chairs that were designed for personal viewing of FHX Care-Kits. Each Care-Chair has a personal screen and headphones. They were designated to affect the visitor’s physiological and emotional conditions. Their design is inspired by dental and gynecologist’s Chairs. They offer comfortable support for the visitor’s body, while maintaining listening and attentiveness. On the Care-Chairs, visitors are patients, recipients of care; and at the same time, they are Care-Takers, carefully listening to someone else.

In this area, visitors can watch Aya Ben Ron’s film “On the Right Side”. Group Monitoring is intended for a group of six visitors that are sharing a 30-minute viewing experience. In this area, each visitor is “cut off” from the others, by using personal headphones, but, at the same time, is in the company of five other people. This form of viewing emphasizes the sense of loneliness that often characterizes the abused.

Self Check-Up
This area consists of several individual units. Each one has an iPad with a questionnaire app for Self Check-Up. By going through a series of questions seeking to raise self-awareness about abuse and harm in various territories – school, home, work, relationships – each visitor can anonymously examine their past and present experiences, either as the abuser or the abused.